PC World 1999 February
Fax Services
Text File
163 lines
1 FAX already running
2 Can not start timer
3 Can not register window class
4 LFS Fax
5 Error in reading lfs.ini file
7 Can not create window
8 &About
22 Fatal Error: FAX terminated
23 Critical: FAX encountered critical error, operation aborted
24 Error: FAX encountered error, operation continued
25 Information: FAX in operation
26 ⌐ 1996 - 1998 Lotus Development Corporation, an IBM Subsidary. All rights reserved.
27 Portions ⌐ 1996 - 1998 Pixel Translations, Inc., portions ⌐ 1996 - 1998 Optus Software, Inc.
28 All rights reserved. This software is subject to the Lotus Software Agreement,
29 Restricted Rights for U.S. government users, and applicable export regulations.
30 Domino Intranet Starter Pack 2.0 Fax Engine, March 20, 1998.
31 The LFS FAX engine startup failed. Be sure the Fax Manager Service on NT is running. Click on the Services icon in the Control Panel to check.
32 The name of the LFS Mail database can't be found in the LFS.INI
33 The name of the LFS Fax Engine Queue database can't be found in the LFS.INI
34 The name of the LFS Fax Engine Log database can't be found in the LFS.INI
35 Domino Intranet Starter Pack 2.0 Fax Engine, March 20, 1998. D & E Version.
101 Notes initialized
102 FAX initialized
103 FAX request processing started
104 Can not set desired options
105 FAX shut down
301 Can not open FAX mail in database
302 Can not Locate FAX mail in database
303 Can not get request view
304 Can not get cancel view
305 Can not get queued view
306 Can not open outgoing mail database
307 Can not build request list
308 Can not build cancel list
309 Can not build queued list
310 Can not process cancel message
311 Can not close cancel note
312 Can not delete Cancelled request
313 Can not process queued message
316 Able to open outgoing mail database once again
601 Can not start message processing
602 Can not stop message processing
603 Can not create response mail
604 Can not write to fields
605 Can not write text body
606 Can not save response mail
607 Can not close response mail
608 Can not find attachment
609 Can not close request database
610 Can not close mail database
611 Can not free collection
612 Can not get a list of notes from collection
613 Can not read the collection
614 Can not free collection
615 Too many columns in the request view
616 Request number not in the second column of the view
617 Can not detach next attachment
618 Can not start FAX processing
619 Error occurred during FAX processing
620 Attachment error
621 Can not get result field
622 Can not close notes
623 Can not delete invalid
624 Can not get cancelled list
625 Can not get queued list
626 Can not read cancelled list
627 Can not read queued list
628 Can not free cancelled list
629 Can not free queued list
630 Can not convert file
631 Can not import file
632 Can not add file
633 Can not cancel FAX request
901 Fatal error occurred
902 Can not start FAX engine
904 FAX engine not running
905 Can not initialize Notes
906 Can not get outgoing mailbox name
907 No server name in ini file
908 FAX processing encounted fatal error
909 FAX processing finished with unknown completion code
910 FAX startup failed
4000 No Error
4002 Cancel by user.
4003 Telephone phone line error.
4004 Local hardware error.
4005 Remote fax error.
4006 Remote unit incompatible.
4007 No fax at destination.
4008 Internal file error.
4009 Line busy.
4010 Internal access error.
4011 Unknown error.
4012 Cannot identify remote unit.
4013 Invalid message received.
4014 Unexpected disconnect.
4015 Remote unit does not support BFT.
4016 Dial retries exceeded.
4017 Cannot agree on bit rate.
4018 Disconnect after page.
4019 No response after page.
4020 Remote unit incompatible.
4021 No dial tone.
4022 Invalid response from device.
4023 Number dialed was busy
4024 Telephone line dead.
4025 No secondary dialtone.
4026 Silence timeout.
4027 Invalid command after page.
4028 Cannot identify remote unit.
4029 Missing data blocks.
4030 Receive data overrun.
4031 Receive data underrun.
4032 First line timeout.
4033 Scan line too long.
4034 No answer at destination
4035 Canceled by driver.
4036 Event has expired.
5001 Incomplete Fax Request
5002 Error retrieving attachments
5003 Error submitting fax
5004 Error processing fax
5005 Incoming Fax Received with errors
6010 Fax Manager Server not found.
6011 Out of memory.
6012 OS error.
6013 Network error.
6014 Bad handle.
6015 Invalid parameters.
6016 Not impemented.
6017 Invalid user.
6100 Fax Manager Server error.
6101 Access denied.
6150 Receive log already open.
6151 Receive log not open.
6152 Send log already open.
6153 Send log not open.
6154 Schedule bad handle.
6200 Invalid event handle.
6201 Invalid index.
6202 Invalid destination index.
6203 Invalid file index.
6204 Cannot cancel.
6205 Cannot delete.
6250 Invalid name.
6251 Invalid fax number.
6252 Invalid file.
6253 Invalid font.
6254 Invalid file type.
6255 Invalid resolution.
6256 Invalid cover page.
6257 Invalid priority.
6258 Invalid subject.
6259 Invalid sender.
6260 Invalid time.
6270 No destination.
6271 No files.
6272 No parameters.
6300 Scan complete.
6301 Invalid object.
6302 User already exists.